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Enterprise Profile:
European Nickel (AIM/PLUS/ASX: ENK)
is an emerging mid-tier nickel laterite producer focused on growth.
With over 1 million tonnes of nickel resources and assets in Turkey, the Philippines and Albania, European Nickel is targeting 50,000 tonnes of annual nickel production within five years.
The Caldag project in Turkey is the Company's flagship asset with near-term production and will be the world's first commercial scale nickel laterite heap leach operation.
European Nickel has developed a simple, low cost heap leach process for the extraction of nickel from nickel laterites, the most abundant form of nickel in the earth's crust. The Company is focused on finding and evaluating nickel laterite deposits that are amenable to its heap leaching process and, where economically viable, developing these deposits into commercial mining and processing operations. The Company's current projects are located in Turkey, the Philippines and Albania, offering geographic and geological diversification. The Caldag project in Turkey is the Company's flagship asset with near-term production and will be the world's first commercial scale nickel laterite heap leach operation.
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