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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
钢铁百科 - 钢之家

PT Aneka Tambang Tbk发表评论(0)编辑词条

With four decades of experience since 1968, Antam is an Indonesian limited liability state  corporation that is vertically integrated to undertake all stages of the mining process from exploration, mining, smelting, and refining through to marketing. Antam's main products are ferronickel, nickel ore, gold, silver and bauxite. www.antam.com 

Antam is 35% held by the public, the majority of which is by foreign institutions, who have held Antam for a number of years. Listed on the Indonesian and Australian Stock Exchanges, Antam is one of very few Indonesian companies to be fully listed on a stock exchange outside of Indonesia and therefore, must meet international standards of governance and transparency. While Antam is 65% held by the government, Antam is not run by bureaucrats. Antam's main goal is creating shareholder value, not following the directives of the state. In general, Antam's approach to increase shareholder value is by lowering costs while profitably expanding operations in a sustainable manner.

Antam offers highly viable opportunities to potential investors and joint venture partners. It has strong, focused, future-oriented management and skilled people; high quality products and long-term loyal customers; a proven record of profitable performance while upholding international standards of community development and environmental management; and good future prospects with vast quality mineral reserves yet to be developed.  

印尼PT Aneka Tambang Tbk公司总裁Alwin Syah Loebis近日表示,预期2009年的镍铁产量将下滑至11,500-12,000吨,2008年的目标为17,000吨。



  此外,财务经理Djaja Tambunan称,公司在2009年可能降低资本支出至大约每月4300-4500万美元,今年为每月5000万美元。




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