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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
钢铁百科 - 钢之家


ERAMET Comilog Manganese is currently the world's 2nd-largest producer of manganese alloys for steelmaking, with the most extensive product range on the market and plants in Europe, North America and China. ERAMET is the world leader in refined manganese alloys, which have high added-value, strengthening this position with the acquisition of TINFOS in July 2008.
The division is also the world's leading producer of manganese-based products for the chemicals industry which are used in a wide range of applications, such as electric batteries, ferrites, fertilizer, animal feed, etc.Eramet Manganese started up a new Chinese plant at Chongzuo, in January 2007, for production of electrolytic manganese dioxide for Chinese manufacturers of alkaline batteries.

Eramet Comilog Manganese is also the biggest recycler of spent oil catalysts in the world, via its US subsidiary GCMC.
A new oil catalyst recycling plant recently started up in Canada in mid-2008, in response to growing demand from the bituminous sands industry.

2009年1-6月份全球四大锰矿企业产量总计达334.9万吨,较去年同期的869.3万吨减少约61.5%。其中,BHPBilliton产量为123.3万吨,同比下降64.9%;南非Assmang产锰矿 80万吨,下降64.9%;巴西Vale产锰矿66.3万吨,下降44.7%;Eramet-Comilog产锰矿65.3万吨,下降61.6%。

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