Pakistan Chrome Mines Ltd发表评论(0)编辑词条
Pakistan Chrome Mines Ltd. is a mining company incorporated in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The company owns and operates chromite and magnesite mines in Balochistan Province. It was initially incorporated as Baluchistan Chrome Mines Ltd. in 1902 during colonial rule. 80% of the outstanding shares of the company are owned by Pacific Energy and Mining Company, a company based in the State of Nevada, US.
The mines are located in Zhob District in Baluchistan, specifically in Muslimbagh, Khanozai, Nisai and Gwal.
The chromite mined is exported to the Peoples Republic of China. Most of it is of metallurgical grade, 46% Cr2O3, with a chrome to iron ratio of 3:1.
Pakistan Chrome Mines was awarded Chromite leases by the Government of Afghanistan in 1975. These leases were never cancelled.
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标签: Pakistan Chrome Mine 巴基斯坦铬矿公司 铬矿
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