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Sanford C. Bernstein, a subsidiary of AllianceBernstein L.P., is widely recognized as Wall Street's premier sell-side research firm. Its research is sought out by leading investment managers around the world, and it is annually ranked at the very top of acknowledged arbiters. In independent surveys of major institutional clients, Bernstein's research is ranked #1 for overall quality, industry knowledge, most trusted, best detailed financial analysis, major company studies, most useful valuation frameworks, best original research, and most willing to challenge management. In Institutional Investor's 2009 annual client survey, the leading survey by which analysts in its industry are evaluated, 100% of our U.S. Analysts were recognized as among the best in their respective fields -- more than any other firm on Wall Street.

Since Sanford C. Bernstein was founded in 1967, research has been our calling card. The Bernstein research brand is defined by our renowned Blackbooks, reports known for their unbiased, in-depth company and industry forecasts. It has a community of Research Analysts who are acknowledged thought leaders that typically have years of experience in the industries they cover. Its reputation is for the very highest caliber of independent and disciplined investment and industry analysis. It is a wholly-owned subsidiary of our buy-side parent, AllianceBernstein.
伯恩斯坦研究公司Bernstein Research是著名的研究公司。

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标签: Bernstein Research 伯恩斯坦研究公司 咨询公司 consulting company
