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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
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最新历史版本 :SeAH Besteel 返回词条

Seah Besteel Corporation is South Korean steelmaker, The Company's principal activity

(图)SeAH BesteelSeAH Besteel

 is manufacturing specialty steel products. It operates under two segments: special steel and automobile parts. The special steel segment produces carbon steel, alloy steel, H-steel, micro alloying steel, nit riding steel, spring steel, high-strength steel, free-cutting steel, bearing steel, boron steel and steel for other special-purpose applications. These special steel products are used for automobiles, ships, industrial machineries and defence equipment. The automobile parts segment provides crank shafts, axle shafts, tripod housings, outer and inner races and front driving differential assemblies, among others. In addition, the Company offers railway wheel products for high speed trains.

Key products:
1) Special steel
2) Automotive parts
3) Railway wheels

SeAH Besteel 是一家设于南韩的特殊钢材及汽车零件制造商。SeAH Besteel 是该行业的龙头企业,拥有南韩特殊钢材的主要市场份额。殷库资本有限公司在2003年12月投资于 SeAH Besteel, 当时该公司结束了5年的法院监管下的重组包括大幅撇债及引进新股东。新的管理层使该公司的营运效率显著提升,在原已不俗的基础上,更加增强了公司产生现金流的能力。

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标签: Seah Besteel 海外钢厂
