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最新历史版本 :McKinsey & Company 返回词条

McKinsey & Company is a worldwide management consulting firm that focuses on
(图)McKinsey & CompanyMcKinsey & Company

solving issues of concern to senior management. McKinsey serves as an advisor to the world's leading businesses, governments, and institutions. It is widely recognized as a leader and one of the most prestigious firms in the management consulting industry. It has been ranked No.1 for 6 consecutive years in the Vault.com list of top consulting firms, and has been a top employer for recent MBA graduates since 1996.
McKinsey invests significantly in its knowledge management system to support field consultants. The system includes generalist researchers, industry (and function)-specific experts and librarians, and access to journals and databases. McKinsey maintains an organisation called the McKinsey Knowledge Centre (McKC) that operates out of Gurgaon, India. In addition, consultant-authored internal "practice development" documents capture generalizable insights from client engagements. There are also methods to access individual consultants with expertise from previous client studies or previous employment, for background assistance (competitive information is not shared).

麦肯锡咨询公司(Mckinsey & Company)

  麦肯锡采取“公司一体”的合作伙伴关系制度,在全球44个国家有80多个分公司,共拥有7000多名咨询顾问。麦肯锡大中华分公司包括北京、香港、上海与台北四家分公司, 共有40多位董事和250多位咨询顾问。在过去十年中,麦肯锡在大中华区完成了800多个项目,涉及公司整体与业务单元战略、企业金融、营销/销售与渠道、组织架构、制造/采购/供应链、技术、产品研发等领域。

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标签: McKinsey 麦肯锡 咨询公司
