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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
钢铁百科 - 钢之家


Zaporizhstal, is Ukraine's fourth largest steel maker with an annual capacity of 4.5 mil. tonnes of steel, 3.3 mil. tonnes of pig iron, 4.1 mil. of finished steel products, and ranks 54th in the world. The company is Ukraine's only manufacturer of cold-rolled sheets, used in car manufacturing, as well as tinplates and polished stainless and alloyed steel. Zaporizhstal is located in the city of Zaporizhia, in a region with the highest per capita electricity output in Ukraine, close to raw material suppliers and steel consumers (pipe and machine building companies).

Eduard Shifrin, co-founder with Alex Shnaider of Midland Group (a holding company headquartered in Guernsey that embraces interests in steel (Zaporizhstal), shipping, real estate, agriculture and motorsport with Midland F1 Racing), take the control of privatised steelmaker Zaporizhstal.




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