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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
钢铁百科 - 钢之家

Novolipetsk Steel发表评论(0)编辑词条

Novolipetsk Steel (RTS:NLMK MICEX:NLMK), or NLMK, is one of the four largest steel companies in Russia with sales of more than US$7.7 billion in 2007 and 9.2 million tonnes of steel output. NLMK's share of domestic crude steel production was about 13% in 2007. It primary produces flat steel products, semi-finished steel products and electrical steels. NLMK also produces specialty coated steels, plus high-ductility and micro-alloyed steels. It is a global slab and grain-oriented steel market leader, with c.13% and 20% global market shares, respectively.

Currently Novolipetsk Steel (NLMK) is one of the world's most profitable steel companies per tonne of production and by far the most profitable steel-making company in Russia with a 2007 Ebitda margin of 44%.

NLMK's assets are technically advanced and on par with its global peers. NLMK is fully self-sufficient in iron-ore through its 97% stake in Stoilensky GOK, Russia's 3rd-largest iron ore producer.

In December 15 2005 the company listed 42 million (8.3% of the total number of shares) of its Global Depositary Shares (GDSs) on the London Stock Exchange (LSE: NLMK). Each GDS represents 10 ordinary shares.

In June 2006 NLMK altered its dividend policy and increased its target payout ratio from 15% to 20% of its net income under US GAAP. The company pursues the goal of bringing its total dividends over five-year period to 30%.

NLMK is headquartered in the city of Lipetsk, 500 km southeast of Moscow.



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