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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
钢铁百科 - 钢之家


Yieh United Steel Corporation (YUSCO) was founded in December 1988.  The plant is located in Kaohsiung County, southern Taiwan.
●Today, there are about 1,500 employees.  The total investment exceeds 40 billion N.T. Dollars.  YUSCO is the largest integrated stainless steel mill in Southeast Asia.  The steel melting operation has an annual capacity of 1,000,000 metric tons producing stainless steel slabs and billets.  The hot rolling mill can produce 900,000 metric tons of hot rolled stainless steel coils and plates per year.  The cold rolling plant has capacity to produce 250,000 metric tons of hot rolled No. 1 coils, 340,000 metric tons of 2D and 2B stainless steel coils and 60,000 metric tons of Bright Annealed stainless steel coils.
●YUSCO has a strong workforce and adopted state-of-the-art technology and equipment.  Each process and product is monitored by a computerized system for strict quality control.  Certified by ISO 9002 AND 14001, YUSCO is committed to meet its customers’ requirements.
烨联钢铁股份有限公司,成立于1988年12月,厂址设在高雄县冈山镇嘉兴地段,占地40馀公顷,总投资金额新台币300馀亿元,为台湾首座,亦东南亚最大之,一贯作业不锈钢厂,拥有 炼钢、热轧、冷轧完整的一贯作业制程。
    烨联炼钢厂采用先进的电炉、转炉、真空精炼炉,三段式炼钢制程 (Three-Step Process) ,可生产各种尺寸之高清净度,高品质及多样化的不锈钢材;热轧厂采用国内唯一专制轧延不锈钢之Steckel Mill轧延机,可供应下游单轧厂用料需求;冷轧厂制程完整可生产多样表面品级钢品,并具轧延1600mm宽幅钢卷之能力,提供客户多样化之产品组合。
    产品介绍: 烨联先进及完善的生产线,专业生产各式各样不锈钢钢材产品,广泛的运用制造各类工业及民生物品上,高品质的钢材,及多样化的产品组合充分满足下游客户的需求。主要产品:扁钢胚、不锈钢小钢胚、热轧不锈钢黑皮钢板、热轧不锈钢黑皮钢卷、热轧不锈钢No.1钢卷、冷轧不锈钢2D钢卷、冷轧不锈钢2B钢卷、冷轧不锈钢BA钢卷。年产能(除新设联众钢厂外):不锈钢粗钢:1,000,000吨、热轧不锈钢黑皮钢卷:930,000吨、热轧不锈钢No.1钢卷:250,000吨、冷轧不锈钢2D/2B/BA钢卷:300,000吨。



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