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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
钢铁百科 - 钢之家

North American Stainless发表评论(0)编辑词条

Founded in 1990, North American Stainless is fulfilling its promise to be the finest stainless steel producing mill in the Western Hemisphere。

North American Stainless, part of the Acerinox Group of companies, is situated on 1100 acres in Carroll County, Kentucky. The initial facility and the carefully planned expansion phases that have followed are all part of a coordinated and comprehensive plan to create the premier facility of its kind. At North American Stainless, our goal is simple. We strive to supply you, our customer, the finest stainless steel products available.

伊利诺依斯州的Minooka加工中心和佐治亚州的Pendergrass的加工中心各安装了一条精密多线落料生产线,这两条生产线的生产能力分别为75000磅和55000磅。 这两条生产线是用来处理厚度为3.3mm,宽度为1524mm的不锈钢带卷的,生产线采用Red Bud工业公司的专利系统-“无夹钳夹痕”的双电机夹钳养料系统,产品的长度公差为+/-0.127mm,生产线的速度最快为275米/分钟。


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标签: NAS 北美不锈钢公司 国外钢厂

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