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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
钢铁百科 - 钢之家

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About Corus Group
Corus is Europe's second largest steel producer with annual revenues of around £12 billion and a crude steel production of over 20 million tonnes, primarily in the UK and the Netherlands.
Corus comprises three operating Divisions, Strip Products, Long Products and Distribution & Building Systems and has a global network of sales offices and service centres, employing around 42,000 people worldwide.
Corus is a leading supplier to many of the most demanding markets around the world including construction, automotive, packaging, mechanical and electrical engineering, metal goods, and oil & gas. With innovation and continuous improvement at the heart of its business performance, Corus aims to create value by offering a differentiated product range supported by unrivalled customer service.
Corus is a subsidiary of Tata Steel, the world's sixth largest steel producer. With a combined presence in nearly 50 countries, the Tata Steel Group including Corus, Tata Steel Thailand and NatSteel Asia, has approximately 80,000 employees across five continents and a crude steel production capacity of over 28 million tonnes.
Products & services
1) Bar & billet: The versatility of the bar and billet manufactured by Corus is evident in the sheer number and diversity of their applications in engineering industries.
2) Business service: Corus provides a range of business services including consulting and research and development services.
3) Construction products & services: From helping to build the world’s most impressive buildings through to providing the metal and expertise for giant earthmovers, Corus have the products and services to meet the needs of the supply chain.
4) Electrical steel: Electrical steels play a vital role in the generation, transmission, distribution and use of electrical power and are one of the most important magnetic materials produced today.
5) Packaging steel: Corus is one of Europe’s leading suppliers of high quality packaging steels. We focus on innovative new materials, applications and processing technologies, working closely with our business partners to increase value all along the supply chain.
6) Plates: Corus has one of the broadest plate product ranges in the world. Complemented by the highest standards of service and full product support, we offer our customers a complete package, which is highly competitive in all markets.
7) Pre-finished steel: Pre-finished steel products are made up of a series of layers, each with a particular function, synergistically applied to provide the functional and aesthetic performance required.
8) Rail products: Corus supplies many fundamental products and services to both nationalised and privatised rail networks and has become a strategic supply chain partner to many international railway organisations.
9) Semi finished steel: Semi finished steel products include Billets & Narrow Slabs, Blooms and Continuously Cast Slabs.
10) Sections: Corus Construction & Industrial is a world class supplier of structural sections, offering a comprehensive range of sizes up to 1016mm deep in British and International Standard dimensions from our mills in Teesside and Scunthorpe.
11) Strip products: Corus offers hot rolled, cold rolled and metallic-coated steel in a wide variety of specifications to European or other national or international standards.
12) Special profiles: Many industries around the world use special profiles. Designers and engineers recognise the benefits of using a custom designed steel profile for manufacturing components
13) Support products: Corus supplies a range of support products to complement our other offerings.
14) Wire rod: Wire Rod a high performance material for the varied applications of the wire products world wide industry.

   1999年6月,英钢联和荷兰霍高文公司宣布了合并的计划,这意味着一个金属工业的新巨人将要产生。之后数月,随着新的经营结构和管理方式的确定,新公司的成立变成了现实。1999年10月6日,新的公司正式宣告成立。同时,Corus Group的股票开始进入交易市场。
  Corus Group作为一个真正的国际性金属工业集团,拥有遍布世界各地的员工66,000人,融合了国际性的专业技术和地区性的服务,使其成为一家创新的、充满活力的公司,它将吹响金属工业新的号角。“Corus Group(Corus)”这个名称是我们新公司的一种强有力的标志,以区别我们的竞争对手。新公司的标志,以其简单、明显,有力地认证了Corus Group的产品和服务,反映了新公司全体员工的信心和决心。Corus Group有潜力成为全界金属工业的领导品牌,实现它是每一个员工的共同心声。
  1999年10月6日,通过英国钢铁公司和Koninklijke Hoogovens的合并成立了Corus公司,把国际专业技术与当地的服务相结合创建了一个有创新的金属公司。总部设在伦敦,由遍布全球范围的23家商业单位构成。伦敦证券交易所、纽约证券交易所和阿姆斯特丹证券交易所上市。公司每年销售额为90亿英镑(相当于160亿美元),在超过40个国家拥有48000名员工,并且在全球建立了销售办事处和客户服务中心网络。
    2005年公司产量为1818万吨,世界排名第9位。2007年克鲁斯并入印度塔塔钢铁公司,总产量世界排名第6位。  克鲁斯业务
  建筑钢材占克鲁斯销售的最大市场份额,因此也是业务战略发展的重中之重。众所周知,钢铁已经成为建筑领域中相当重要的建材,同时正在改变着我们的发展前景。从整个英国来说,80%的工业建筑与70%的商业高层建筑采用钢结构。在未来几年,西欧的建筑行业预期将以1.5%~2%的速度增长,与此同时到 2012年英国的钢铁建筑市场预计可以增长30%。
达涅利和原霍高文工程技术公司新近合资成 立了达涅利-Corus Group工程技术公司。达涅利是国际上冶金设备的著名供应商之一,在炼钢、连铸、轧制和涂层生产上拥有许多先进的技术产品。而霍高文工程技术公司是在钢铁生产上游炼铁、炼钢领域享有盛誉的技术公司。联合不仅意味着产品和服务范围的延生,还意味着能力、经验和智慧的结合。这样的联合将使公司有竞争力,更有创造力和更有想象力的去回答和解决客户的问题。


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