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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
钢铁百科 - 钢之家

Rowecord Engineering发表评论(0)编辑词条



It was founded by Benjamin Hoppé (b. 7 May 1933) of Swansea. His two sons are directors of the company. Alan Rowe was Managing Director of the company from February 1992 until March 1995.


It is situated on 9 acres in the south of the city of Newport in south Wales, next to the River Usk and the A48 in Pillgwenlly.


Argyle Building, Glasgow (2008)
Peterborough City Hospital (2010)
Reading Hospital
Roath Lock studios (ongoing) in Porth Teigr
TAG Aviation (2006) at Farnborough Airport
Sports stadiums
Cardiff City Stadium (2009)
Liberty Stadium (2005) in Swansea
Parc y Scarlets (2008) in Llanelli, home of Llanelli RFC
Stadium mk (2007)
SWALEC Stadium (2006)

The Sail Bridge in Swansea
These bridges are often designed with Wilkinson Eyre Architects

Forthside Footbridge
Newport City footbridge (2006) across the River Usk
Peace Bridge (2011) across the River Foyle in Derry
Sail Bridge over the River Tawe in the Maritime Quarter of Swansea
Sidings Bridge across the A483 in Swansea
Twenty Ten Bridge (2010) at Celtic Manor Resort in Newport
Road bridges
M1 junctions 6a-10
St Ann Way Bascule Bridge in Gloucester over the Gloucester and Sharpness Canal


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