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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
钢铁百科 - 钢之家


Loesche is an owner-managed, export-oriented company, which was founded in Berlin in 1906. Today, the company operates from its head office in Düsseldorf and has subsidiaries, representatives and agencies around the world.

It was in 1928 that Loesche built the first spring-loaded air-flow mills, which even today are still known as Loesche mills. Nowadays, Loesche vertical mills form the core of many plants used to dry-grind coal, cement raw materials, granulated slag, industrial minerals and ores.

Thanks to its grinding plants with throughputs of 2 to 1000 t/h for the cement industry and self-inert, central coal-grinding plants for hard and brown coal power stations, Loesche is the global market leader for vertical mills and turnkey grinding mills.

Loesche supplies turnkey plants, which are individually planned and built for the required process steps. This includes plants for processing, material storage, transportation and delivery, vertical mills, hot-gas generators, filter and separator systems, complete automation technology, plants for all aspects of construction above and below ground, steel construction and piping systems.

The company has EN ISO 9001 certification and the grinding plants themselves are compliant with national and international safety regulations.

At present, more than 400 people are working for Loesche in Germany, around 850 are employed worldwide.


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