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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
钢铁百科 - 钢之家

Dongkuk Steel发表评论(0)编辑词条

Dongkuk Steel Mill Co, Ltd. is a steel company with its headquarters in the city of Seoul, South Korea. Its manufacturing plants are located in Pohang, Incheon and Busan. Dongkuk Steel has several subsidiaries including Union Steel. Dongkuk Steel Mill is the second largest EAF steel producer in Korea behind Hyundai Steel. Also it is world ninety first large steel maker as a member of World Steel Association. The company is a member of the Dongkuk Steel Group.

1 Steel Plate:
In general, steel plates refer to thick steel sheets of which thickness is 6mm or thicker. Plates are mainly used in ship building, bridges, and industrial machinery.

Dongkuk Steel has obtained ship class certificates from the register associations of 8 advanced countries including USA and Japan. Plates are used for ship building, common structures, welded structures, boiler and pressure vessels, and machine structures according to the material.

2 Sections: Section steel products include H-Beams, Angles, Channels, Flat Bar, Round Bar, I-Bar etc.

3 Deformed Bars: On the surface, ribbed projections are formed in the axis direction and knots on the circumference at certain intervals to improve adhesive power with concrete, These products are suitable for civil works or building structures.

The products are classified into mild re-bars and high-strength re-bars, and are color coded green or yellow, respectively, on the end section.

东国制钢作为集团的母公司, 自1954年创建民间最早的大规模钢铁工厂后,东国制钢撰写了半个世纪的都是有关钢铁的历史,并且留下了无数个第一的历史踪迹。

    东国制钢目前在浦项,仁川,釜山等地生产着各种中厚板,钢筋,型钢等高级钢铁产品,年产量达570万吨。 韩国3大钢铁企业之一的东国制钢的‘变化与成长’将永不停歇。目前在巴西建设的钢厂和在唐津建设的中厚板厂,将建立起巴西和韩国之间的钢铁产业体系。东国制钢的企业精神在地球的另一端也会得以实现。2007年,东国制钢钢铁产量293万吨,世界排名第91位。

主要生产品种:中厚板, 型钢, 钢筋

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