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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
钢铁百科 - 钢之家




  Brief Introduction to Communication Materials & Supplies Corporation of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region   Established in 1975, Communication Materials & Supplies Corporation of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region is one of old brand enterprise in Guangxi communication system with 12.91 million Yuan RMB of registered capital. It mainly deals in steel products, cement, product oil of petroleum and pitch and provides construction material for important infrastructure projects of Guangxi communication.   

  Since 1995, Communication Materials & Supplies Corporation of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region has successively provided construction material for important projects of Guangxi communication, such as tens of expressway projects, including GuiLin to Liuzhou, Nanning to Nanjian, Nanjian to Qinzhou, Qinzhou to Fangcheng, Liuzhou to Wangling, Binyang to Nanning, Qinzhou to Beihai, Hepu to Shankou, Yizhou to Liuzhou, Hechi to Nanning, Nanning to Friendship Pass, Nanning to Tanluo, Bose to Luocunkou, Pingle to Zhongshan, Liuzhou Ring-road and Tanluo to Bose etc.. The enterprise takes contract as its priority and is as good as its word. Equipped with a high-quality and professional marketing team, it advocates concept of brand name service with good-quality, security and high-efficiency. With rich current capital and high bank line, the enterprise has capability to provide 200 thousand ton steel products, 1 million ton cement, 100 thousand ton pitch and 60 thousand ton product oil of petroleum annually and supply construction material for 5 to 6 expressway projects simultaneously. Contiguously has been awarded honourable title for years, such as Excellent Enterprise directly under Guangxi Region and Well-developed Enterprise in Management, it is the brand name service enterprise of Guangxi communication. In recent years,it has provided a large quantity of material and positively contributed for development of Guangxi communication.

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标签: 广西壮族自治区交通物资总公司

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