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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
钢铁百科 - 钢之家

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IBG Company Limited is one of the world's leading business intelligence companies with clients and partners throughout Asia, North America and Europe. It is dedicated to assisting its clients to achieve their goals by providing world class business intelligence services and information to assist in strategic and effective decision-making.

IBG provides business executives with many networking opportunities, knowledge and skills through summits, conferences, professional trainings that will assist their organization in developing its strategies and enable growth.  It is a company of original thought with ongoing extensive analysis into clients' needs.

瑟奇国际集团有限公司(IBG Company Limited)是全球领先的专门提供B2B战略商业信息的跨国咨询机构,组织各行业高层会议,研讨,战略峰会,行业涉及能源, 电力, 化工, 钢铁,电信,医药,电子,金融等各领域,以掌握和提供存在于成熟市场和新兴市场及跨越不同行业及专业领域的商业机会,加强行业内最新资讯的交流。



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