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Hydro International发表评论(0)编辑词条

Hydro in brief
Hydro is a Fortune Global 500 supplier of aluminium and aluminium products. Based in Norway, the company employs 25,000 people in more than 30 countries and has activities on all continents.
Rooted in a century of experience in renewable energy production, technology development and progressive partnerships, Hydro is committed to strengthening the viability of our customers and communities we serve.

Our mission
Hydro’s mission is to create a more viable society by developing natural resources.
‘More viable’ means that we help create the ability for others to develop and progress.

Since Hydro began, we have built businesses that helped sustain and nurture the world around us.

We’ve done this by cultivating natural resources, respecting their limitations and maintaining a long-term perspective.

Ultimately, these businesses have made a difference by creating fundamental value – the basis for all other value, whether financial, environmental
or societal.

Our values

Each of our values defines the way we act as individuals, as teams and as a company.

Courage Facing challenges and taking measured risks despite uncertain outcomes

Respect Acting with integrity and recognizing the inherent worth of all people, the value of the earth and the resources it provides

Cooperation Working with others in an open and inclusive way

Determination Defining a goal and staying the course

Foresight Seeing around corners and envisioning long-term opportunities

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