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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
钢铁百科 - 钢之家


Lam coke, Alloy coke is also called semi-coke, Fe alloy reducer, Caking coal and Calcined coal. It is produced from bituminous coal and its main characters are: clean, smokeless, good quality and high efficiency. It can be used to keep warm in breeding room, cooking at home, fireplace, small boiler and dry industry of farm production. In industry fields it is mainly used as additive (carburetant, reducer, jetting material of blast furnace and so on) of iron manufacturing, manufacturing iron alloy calcium carbide and so on. It can also be used in chemical fertilizer factory to produce gas and cement and so on. The main technology indexes are as follows:

固定碳 (Fixed carbon): 82% min (total carbon: 90% min)
硫含量 (Sulphur): 0.4% min
挥发份 (Volatile matter): 7% max
灰分 (Ash content): 10-15% max
水份 (Humidity): 10-12%
发热量 (Calorific value): >7000 cal/kg
粒度 (Size): 0-3mm, 3-8mm, 8-15mm, 15-30mm, 30-80mm

兰炭:又叫合金焦炭,半焦。英文名称:Semi-coke or Ferroalloy coke or Ferroalloy reducer or alloy reducer。由烟煤加工而成。主要特点:清洁无烟、性能好、效率高。可用于养殖房保暖、以及家庭炊事、壁炉、小锅炉、农产品干燥等行业。工业上主要用于炼铁添加剂、制作铁合金、电石、也可用于化肥厂造气、生产水泥等。


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标签: semi-coke 兰炭 半焦

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