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Khouzestan Steel Company发表评论(0)编辑词条

Khouzestan Steel Company (K.S.C) is one of the  subsidiary of 

(图)Khouzestan Steel CompanyKhouzestan Steel Company

Iranian Mines & Mining industries Development and Renovation Organization.

The production capacity of Khuzestan Steel Company is expected to reach 3.2 million tons by the end of 2010.

Currently, its key products are billet, slab, bloom, pellet, lime. And Khouzestan Oxin Steel Company’s new wide plate mill is located on an area of 160 hectares with a total of about USD 370 million invested in its construction. Khouzestan Oxin Steel Wide Plate Mill has a designed annual output capacity of 1.05 million tonnes of heavy plates of 1,100 mm to 4,500 mm in width, 5 mm to 150 mm in thickness and 2.5 meter to 24 meters in length.


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