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Panamax ships" are the largest ships that can pass through Panama Canal. The size is limited by the dimensions of the lock chambers and the depth of the water in the canal. An increasing number of ships are built to the Panamax limit to carry the maximum amount of cargo through the canal.

The increasing prevalence of vessels of the maximum size is a problem for the canal as a Panamax ship is a tight fit that requires precise control of the vessel in the locks, possibly resulting in longer lock time, and requiring that these ships transit in daylight. Because the largest ships travelling in opposite directions cannot pass safely within the Gaillard Cut, the canal effectively operates an alternating one-way system for these ships.

巴拿马型船是一种专门设计的适合巴拿马运河船闸的大型船只,这些船只的船宽和吃水受到巴拿马运河船闸闸室的严格限制,越来越多的船只在建造时精确的匹配巴拿马运河船闸的限制,以便在适应巴拿马运河的航道的前提下运送尽量多的货物。很多干散货,比如谷物,主要通过巴拿马级船只运送。 此类船只的日益增加正成为巴拿马运河的一大难题。巴拿马级船只,由于其非常精确地适合巴拿马运河,留出的余量很小,船只必须受到非常精确的控制,过闸时间也可能因此得以延长,并且过闸时间限定在白天。因为一些大型船只不能安全地通过盖拉德人工渠,运河只能以单向通过的方式来保证这些大型船只的安全。


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