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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
钢铁百科 - 钢之家

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Gindalbie Metals Ltd is an independent Australian iron ore company based in Perth, Western Australia which is developing a portfolio of projects in the State's Mid West region.

Gindalbie's core asset is the world-class Karara Iron Ore Project which it is developing in Joint Venture with AnSteel, one of China's leading steel and iron ore companies. Karara will deliver a diversified product mix including high grade magnetite concentrate, blast furnace quality pellets and Direct Shipping Ore (DSO) hematite. Gindalbie has an aggressive growth strategy to increase production from Karara and other deposits in the Mid West region to a targeted level of more than 30Mtpa by the middle of next decade.

Gindalbie has completed a Bankable Feasibility Study on Karara and is working towards an initial start-up phase of 2Mtpa of DSO quality hematite production toward the end of calendar 2010 and 8Mtpa of high grade magnetite concentrate commencing in mid-2011.

Gindalbie also controls an extensive pipeline of exploration and growth opportunities within a 1,900km2 tenement position in the Mid West region.

"A leading independent Australian iron ore company…"





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