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Sims Hugo Neu Company LLC发表评论(0)编辑词条

  2005年6月份,澳大利亚Sims公司和美国Hugo Neu公司合并组成了全球最大的废钢回收公司及废钢出口商。Hugo Neu公司是一家成立于1947年的私营公司,约占美国废钢出口市场的20%份额。Sims公司是全球最大的金属回收公司之一,总部设于澳大利亚,同时在英国、北美、新西兰以及亚洲都拥有运营地,年营业额超过25亿澳元。合并后的Sims Hugo Neu有限公司将在美国纽约、新泽西、加利福尼亚、弗吉尼亚、康涅狄格、亚利桑那州以及加拿大运营,并成为美国东、西海岸地区最大的回收金属出口商。

Hugo Neu Corporation Will Merge Operations with Australia's Sims Group Limited, to Form a New Company Operating in the U.S. as 'Sims Hugo Neu Company LLC"

About Hugo Neu Corporation

Hugo Neu Corporation (HNC), headquartered in New York City, is a privately owned company founded in 1947 by the late Hugo Neu and led by his son, John L. Neu. HNC is primarily engaged in the metal recycling and industrial real estate businesses, both directly and through its subsidiaries and joint ventures. With principal operations located in the two largest metropolitan areas of the United States--New York City and Los Angeles--HNC is the largest exporter and one of the largest recyclers of steel scrap in the United States. HNC currently recycles all of New York City's post-consumer metal, plastic and glass.

About Sims Group, Ltd.

Sims Group's core business is metal recycling, with an emerging business in recycling solutions. Headquartered in Australia, Sims Group currently earns around 60% of revenue from international operations in the United Kingdom, North America, New Zealand and Asia. Sims has over 2,400 employees, annual turnover exceeding

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