摘要:Capital expenditures (CAPEX or capex) are expenditures creating future benefits. A capital expenditur[阅读全文:]
摘要:BART是由旧金山湾区捷运局经营的有轨大众捷运交通系统,行驶线路涵盖旧金山湾区的大部分区域(Bay Area Rapid Transit, 简称BART)。BART的正常行车时间为:星期一至星期五凌晨4[阅读全文:]
摘要: The University of North Dakota (UND) is the state's oldest and largest University[阅读全文:]
摘要: 福岛县(Fukushima-Ken),是日本东北地方南部的一县,位于福岛中部的“中通”被东面的阿武限高地、西面的奥羽山脉夹在其中,由被大致呈南北走向的并列的三大山地[阅读全文:]
摘要:港口英文名:RICHARDS BAY所在国家:SOUTH AFRICA经纬度:28 °43'0"S, 32 °6'0"E时差:-2:00 锚地:港口入口处东 2.70 海里 [阅读全文:]
摘要:An economic bubble (sometimes referred to as a speculative bubble, a market bubble, a price bubble, a[阅读全文:]
摘要:Port Hedland is the highest tonnage port in Australia [2] and largest town[3] in the Pilbara region o[阅读全文:]
摘要:Computer, Communication and Consumer Electronic.[阅读全文:]
摘要:Fifth Avenue 第五大道(Fifth Avenue),是美国纽约市曼哈顿一条重要的南北向干道,南起华盛顿广场公园,北抵第138街。由於第五大道位於曼哈顿岛的[阅读全文:]