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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
钢铁百科 - 钢之家


THE JAPAN AUTOMOBILE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION is a Tokyo-based trade association representing 14 Japanese car, truck, bus and motorcycle manufacturers. JAMA maintains offices in the United States, Europe and Asia.


The Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, Inc. (JAMA) is a nonprofit trade association that was established in April, 1967. The organization is comprised of the 14 manufacturers of passenger cars, trucks, buses, and motorcycles in Japan.
The Japanese automobile industry is closely associated with a broad range of industries at every stage of the production, distribution, and maintenance of motor vehicles and related transportation services. Consequently, we in the automobile industry play a major role both as employers and in Japan's overall manufacturing output. The people who are engaged, either directly or indirectly, in the manufacture of motor vehicles account for approximately 10 percent of the total work force and produce more than 10 percent of Japan's total manufacturing output.

JAMA has set a goal of meeting the diverse needs of the consumers, at home and abroad. To that end, Japanese motor vehicle manufacturers are working to establish and maintain a highly integrated and flexible system that involves both technological developments and management practices.

Concurrently, motor vehicles and parts manufacturers are also working to strengthen and enhance interdependence through, for example, technical and marketing cooperation, joint business ventures, and direct investment. In the present atmosphere of increasing interaction, we are making every effort to respond positively to the growing sophistication and universality of the industry. These efforts, in conjunction with the in-depth research required, are being pursued in anticipation of the inevitable globalization of the industry.

Domestic Affairs

Established 1967

1989  Study Group on Global Environmental Problems set up to discuss effective responses to enhanced global environmental concern, particularly countermeasures in the area of global warming. (The study group compiled a position paper, Basic Position on Global Warming and Related Issues, issued in 1990.) 
1990  Special Committee on Traffic Safety established in order to cope with an increase in traffic casualties. (The committee's action program, The Future Approach to Traffic Safety, was announced in the same year.) 
1991  Conducted public poll concerning vehicle society in the 21st century.
Established organization for the purpose of collecting and recycling abandoned vehicles, in league with three other associations. 
1991  Formation of a group to study parking problems and urban space utilization. (The group reported on the issue in 1992.) 
1992  Organized workweek reduction study group.
Recommendations made to improve traffic flow, with the objective of reducing CO2.
Recommendations made on traffic infrastructure improvement. 
1993  Automakers' action programs on environmental protection announced.
Progress achieved by automakers in developing commuter cars and parking systems in urban areas.
CAD data exchange standards developed by the Technical Administration Committee. 
1994  Internal organization to deal with environmental issues strengthened and a full-scale Environmental Committee established. 
1995  Creation of the Automotive Dispute Mediation Service, an independently-administered organization, to handle product liability issues in regard to the auto industry. 

Japan's auto industry

1995 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the end of World War II.
For Japan's automobile industry, these fifty years have traced a continuous evolution from the establishment of its infrastructure after the war, through the advancement of motorization and the growth of the industry, and onto multiphase globalization and interdependence with the rest of the world.

In the postwar years, automobiles changed the culture and lifestyles of the Japanese people tremendously, serving both as a transportation medium and as a means of communication. At the same time, by creating a wide variety of related industries for the manufacture and servicing of motor vehicles, automobile production grew to become one of Japan's leading industries.

This booklet outlines the evolution of the Japanese automobile industry over the past half-century and the contributions the industry has made to society, to the economy, and to people's lives. Combining a summary of the progress made in the forty years following the war, which was published by JAMA in 1987, with a newly compiled summary of the past ten years, this booklet is designed to provide a quick overview of the past fifty years of Japan's motor vehicle industry.

We hope that readers will find it useful in gaining a better understanding of the history of our industry.

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