Mesco Steel发表评论(0)编辑词条
It started over three decades back, with a firm desire to excel, to equip ourselves with state-of-art technologies, know-how, best management and engineering skills.
Mideast Integrated Steel Ltd. (MISL) belongs to one of the fastest growing business groups in India the MESCO STEEL GROUP which has business interests in steel to airlines. A brief account of MISL’s progress is as follows:
Incorporated in 1992 with assets in coastal Odisha in eastern India
Secured the Roida iron ore mining lease in the prime iron ore belt of Odisha in1996.
Joined hands with Stemcor, UK, for a strategic alliance in marketing and financing in 2004.
Pig iron plant at Jajpur successfully commissioned in 2005 – since operating uninterrupted.
The first company in India to have technical collaboration with CMIEC now known as Sino Steel, China.
Negligible debt to equity ratio makes us essentially debt free – only company of this size in Iron and Steel business in the country.
Pig Iron Scrap
Iron Ore Calibrated Lump Ores
Coke Breeze
Granulated Slag
Lime Slurry
The traditional approach of demand-availability-shortfall is no longer valid in a globalized market scenario. MISL plans to enter the new market with Stemcors strategic strength in the export market and by offering quality products at competitive prices. MISL also has ample opportunity to access the potential domestic steel market with products like bars, rods and slabs.
Social Responsibility编辑本段回目录
Over the past decade MISL and Mesco Group have earned the trust of local community through community service in the areas of healthcare, education and infrastructural development.
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