Banpu Public Company Limited发表评论(0)编辑词条
Banpu Public Company Limited is a mining and power company in Thailand. It has coal mining operations in Thailand, Indonesia and China, and coal-fired power generation operations in Thailand and China. Banpu plans also to invest in the Hong Sa lignite mine and power plant project in Laos.
In Thailand, Banpu operates coal mines in mines in Lampang and Phayao provinces, and has stakes in BLCP, a 1,434 MW coal-fired power plant at Map Ta Phut, and in RATCH, a 3,645 MW power plant in Ratchaburi Province. It has also has five coal mines in Indonesia and two in China. Banpu agreed to buy Centennial Coal Co Ltd for USD 2 billion on Jul 05, 2010.
泰国万蒲集团(Banpu Public Company Limited )是一家立足泰国的企业,从事煤矿开采和电力业务,在电厂建设及经营管理等方面有雄厚的实力和成熟的经验.
总部 Thanapoom Tower Building Floor 25-28, 1550
New Petchaburi Road, Makkasan
Bangkok, 10400
电话 +66-2-6946600
传真 +66-2-2070696
主要部门 能源
支柱产业 能源
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