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Booz Allen Hamilton发表评论(0)编辑词条

Booz Allen Hamilton, or more commonly Booz Allen, is a private consulting

(图)Booz Allen HamiltonBooz Allen Hamilton

 firm headquartered in Tysons Corner, unincorporated Fairfax County, Virginia, with 80 other offices throughout the nation. Ralph Shrader is its Chairman and Chief Executive Officer - the seventh since Edwin Booz founded the firm in Chicago circa 1914, making it one of the nation’s oldest consultancies.

Booz Allen's core business is contractual work completed on behalf of the US federal government, foremost on defense and homeland security matters, with limited engagements of foreign governments specific to U.S. military assistance programs. In this vein, Booz Allen’s services include strategy design, operations improvement, information technology work, systems engineering, organizational change efforts, modeling and simulation, program management, specialist staff augmentation, assurance and resilience, and economic and business analysis. Booz Allen is somewhat unique in that it competes for business with both pure systems integrators and defense contractors such as SAIC, BAE Systems, and Lockheed Martin, as well as with broader management consulting firms with a considerable stake in the public sector market such as Deloitte and Accenture. In 2008, Vault.com, an entity which provides survey based ‘prestige’ rankings of various professional industries, placed Booz Allen Hamilton second only to McKinsey & Company in the category of ‘Technology Consulting Firms’ (the sole grouping it was considered for), indicative of the fact technological issues in the broadest sense pervade a substantial portion of Booz Allen’s revenue stream.

As of July 31, 2008, what was formerly Booz Allen Hamilton’s parent company (which used the Booz Allen name itself) divided into two wholly separate entities, based on a vote by Booz Allen’s senior vice presidents and vice presidents. As a result, the Booz Allen Hamilton moniker would be retained by the half focusing on U.S. governmental matters, with spinoff Booz & Company taking sole control of its commercial and international portfolio. As a consequence, Booz Allen Hamilton is now majority owned by private equity firm The Carlyle Group, while Booz & Company is owned and operated as a partnership. [2] The split was engendered by several endemic differences between the two business units, namely: profitability (i.e., government work was both more profitable than most of the commercial operations and exhibited less volatile earnings), internal culture (e.g., the government side frequently retained mid-level consultants for several years, whereas the commercial side had greater staff turnover due to an up or out policy), and recruiting philosophy for mid-to-senior level employees (Booz Allen recruited a relatively high proportion of bachelor's, non-business master’s, and doctoral degree holders from a wide array of schools compared to Booz & Co.'s primary focus on elite MBA graduates).

博思艾伦咨询公司(Booz Allen Hamilton)
  作为世界上最顶尖的管理和技术咨询公司之一, 博思艾伦(Booz Allen Hamilton)在全球拥有18,000 名专业管理及技术咨询顾问,并在六大洲70多个国家设有200多处分支机构。年销售额30亿美元,博思艾伦在1914年成立于芝加哥,并且在全球第一个提出了“管理咨询(Management Consulting)”的概念,并创立了许多对全球商业、管理等领域带来巨大贡献的学术理论如“产品生命周期(Product Life Cycle)”等。在战略和技术上具有深厚的专业底蕴,超越了咨询业中的传统类别。博思艾伦随着市场需求而成长,并积极扩展于当地的规模以求配合我们客户的需要。现在博思艾伦在上海、北京、香港和台北都设立了办事处,为跨国公司和本土企业提供咨询服务。2005年,《财富》杂志(Fortune)把博思艾伦评为“100家最适合工作的公司” 中排名最高的专业服务公司。
  博思艾伦成立90多年以来,博思艾伦始终处于企业咨询及政府咨询领域的最前沿,博思艾伦的专业团队为全球超过75个国家的10,000个客户提供了超过60,000件的咨询服务项目。现今,博思艾伦融合战略、技术、知识、经验与敏锐的洞察力,为世界领先的企业、政府和机构提供战略、组织、运作、系统及技术等方面的服务。博思艾伦的客户包括《财富》500强中的前400位,世界上最大的银行中的半数以上以及40个国家的政府和其它机构。由咨询行业专业分析组织“肯尼迪信息机构”(Kennedy Information)在2003年发布的全球咨询行业排名报告――《对(咨询业)客户的调查:采购行为、品牌知名度、企业认知度》中,博思艾伦咨询有限公司获得“管理咨询类企业总体名誉”第一,“管理咨询类企业业绩”第一以及“管理咨询类企业总体知晓程度”第四的成绩。该报告同时还特别指出博思艾伦是全美国商业界首选的咨询机构。
  较之其它咨询公司,Booz Allen的观点、能力、以及客户服务都与众不同。博思艾伦揉合了公营及私营机构的咨询能力,战略与技术咨洵方面的经验,扎实的功能知识与行业专长于一体。博思艾伦与客户共同合作,辅助客户改变他们的组织构、获取持久的成效,并将应对将来快速变化的新能力植根于客户组织内。无论从咨询公司还是个人观点,对于客户的使命都尽情投入,对工作都有所承担,并以一套核心价值观为服务基础。


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