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Petroleum coke (often abbreviated Pet coke or petcoke) is a carbonaceous solid derived from oil refinery coker units or other cracking processes.Other coke has traditionally been derived from coal.
Marketable coke is coke that is relatively pure carbon and can be sold for use as fuel (i.e. fuel grade coke), or for the manufacture of dry cells, electrodes (ie anode grade coke). Needle coke, also called acicular coke, is a highly crystalline petroleum coke used in the production of electrodes for the steel and aluminum industries. Catalyst coke is coke that has deposited on the catalysts used in oil refining, such as those in a fluid catalytic cracker. This coke is impure and is only used for fuel.
Its high heat and low ash content make it a good fuel for power generation in coal fired boilers, but petroleum coke is high in sulfur and low in volatile content which pose some environmental and technical problems with its combustion. In order to meet current North American emissions standards some form of sulfur capture is required, a common choice of sulfur recovering unit for burning petroleum coke is the SNOX technology[2][3], which is based on the well-known WSA Process. Fluidized bed combustion is commonly used to burn petroleum coke. Gasification is increasingly used with this feedstock (often using gasifiers placed in the refineries themselves).
Calcined petroleum coke (CPC) is the product from calcining petroleum coke. This coke is the product of the coker unit in a crude oil refinery. The calcined petroleum coke is used to make anodes for the aluminium, steel and titanium smelting industry. The green coke must have sufficiently low metals content in order to be used as anode material. Green coke with this low metals content is referred to as anode grade coke. The green coke with too high metals content will not be calcined and is used for burning. This green coke is called fuel grade coke.
石油焦 定义:石油焦(PETroleum coke)是原油经蒸馏将轻重质油分离后,重质油再经热裂的过程,转化而成的产品,从外观上看,焦炭为形状不规则,大小不一的黑色块状(或颗粒),有金属光泽,焦炭的颗粒具多孔隙结构,主要的元素组成为碳,占有80wt%以上,其余的为氢、氧、氮、硫和金属元素。 石油焦具有其特有的物理、化学性质及机械性质,本身是发热部份的不挥发性碳,挥发物和矿物杂质(硫、金属化合物、水、灰等)这些指标决定焦炭的化学性质。
性状:石油焦的形态随制程、操作条件及进料性质的不同而有所差异。从石油焦工场所生产的石油焦均称为生焦(green cokes),含一些未碳化的碳烃化合物的挥发份,生焦就可当做燃料级的石油焦,如果要做炼铝的阳极或炼钢用的电极,则需再经高温煅烧,使其完成碳化,降低挥发份至最少程度。大部份石油焦工场所生产的焦外观为黑褐色多孔固体不规则块状,此种焦又称为海绵焦(sponge coke)。第二种品质较佳的石油焦叫做针状焦(needle coke)与海绵焦比,由于其具较低的电阻及热膨胀系数,因此更适合做电极。有时另一种坚硬石油焦亦会产生,称之为球状焦(shot coke)。这种焦形如弹丸,表面积少,不易焦化,故用途不多。
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