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Pipe and tube bender发表评论(0)编辑词条

A pipe and tube bender is a machine which bends tube, pipe and solid metals.

(图)Pipe and tube benderPipe and tube bender

Pipe bending machines can either be human powered, hydraulic assisted, or hydraulic motor driven. In the pipe bending operation the tube may be supported internally or externally to preserve the cross section of the pipe. In operations where there is flexibility in the shape of the pipe, the pipe does not need to be supported, however there will be some deformation in the cross section of the pipe.

Tube bending as a process starts with loading a tube into a pipe bender and clamping it into place between two dies, the clamping block and the forming die. The tube is also loosely held by two other dies, the wiper die and the pressure die. After that has been completed the mechanist will start the bender, while the tube is pulled around the forming die creating a elbow, U-bend, 2-D or 3-D bent tubes. Three dimensional tube is a tube with each opening on different planes. Two dimensional tube is a tube with each opening on the same plane. Also the foot pound power required to bend certain tubes can range 4ft-lbs to 300ft-lbs depending on the diameter and material such as, steel and copper.

  (1) 参照电动油泵使用说明书。
  (2) 先将工作油缸(8)旋入方档块(6)的内螺纹,使油缸后端装在支架上的车轮向下。
  (3) 根据所弯管子的外径选择模头(4),套在柱塞(7)上,将两只辊轴所对应槽向着模头,然后放入相应尺寸的花板(3)孔中,再将上花板盖上,将所弯管子插入槽中,再将高压油管(12)端部的快速接头(13)活动部份向后拉并套在工作油缸(8)的接头上,将电动油泵(10)上的放油螺钉(11)旋紧,即可弯管。弯管完毕,放松放油螺钉,柱塞(7)即自动复位。
  (1) 参照电动油泵使用说明书。
  (2) 在有载荷时切忌将快速接头卸下。
  (3) 本机具是用油为介质,必须做好油及本机具的清洁保养工作,以免淤塞或漏油,影响使用效果。

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