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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
钢铁百科 - 钢之家

Galaxy Resources Limited发表评论(0)编辑词条

Galaxy Resources (ASX: GXY) is an emerging mining and chemical company focusing on lithium and tantalum production.

Galaxy is at an advanced stage of developing its Mt Cattlin Lithium Project (hard rock spodumene) in Ravensthorpe, Western Australia. The Project encompasses a mine and minerals plant which will produce 137,000 tpa of 6% Li2O spodumene concentrate. Galaxy intends to add value to the Mt Cattlin Project by establishing its own downstream lithium processing facilities in China.  The Company is finalising plans to establish a lithium carbonate chemical facility in Jiangsu Province, producing 17,000 tpa of lithium carbonate. 

By establishing a plant in China, Galaxy will benefit from easy access to established technology in the region, lower associated capital and operating costs, as well as being close to the strategic growing battery markets in Asia.

Galaxy has announced a financing package with Creat Group to fund development for Galaxy’s Australian mining and Chinese processing projects.


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标签: Galaxy Resources 银河资源有限公司 澳大利亚 矿业

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