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National Oilwell Varco发表评论(0)编辑词条

National Oilwell Varco (NYSE: NOV) is a multinational corporation based

(图)National Oilwell VarcoNational Oilwell Varco

in Houston, Texas, which manufactures land-based and offshore oil drilling rigs as well as all the major mechanical components for such rigs. The company also performs a number of services for the oil industry such as well and pipeline inspections and is one of the market leaders in supply chain management through their distribution network of over 200 locations.

Products include all the heavy hardware for oil well drilling as well as drilling instrumentation and controls and drilling power generation and control. Partial list of heavy hardware includes topdrives, rotarys, drawworks, derricks, BOP's (blowout preventers), mud pumps, riser equipment, and complete drilling rigs. Products also include instruments and controls required on the rig floor for the drilling operation. This includes sophisticated electronics for precise control. Further, NOV produces control electronics for power generation and control of drilling motors, and MCC's (motor control centers) for AC motor control. It also manufactures other equipment used in oil production, including reciprocating multiplex

In 2008 National Oilwell Varco was ranked the number one company in Houston, Texas by the Houston Chronicle, having ranked number fifteen the year before.
National Oilwell Varco is a worldwide leader in the design, manufacture and sale of equipment and components used in oil and gas drilling and production operations, the provision of oilfield services, and supply chain integration services to the upstream oil and gas industry.

美国国民油井华高公司(National Oilwell Varco,简称:NOV)

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