Today, OOCL is one of the world's largest shipping and logistics companies, with more 280 offices in 58 countries around the world. OOCL provides 78 services covering international trading markets with a fleet of more than 270 ships, including Grand Alliance member line vessels, feeder and OOCL-owned and operated vessels.
OOCL has vessels of different classes with capacity varying from 2,500 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU) to 8,063 TEU, plus ice-class vessels for extreme weather conditions.
The Grand Alliance was formed in 1998. Its members are Hapag-Lloyd (Germany), MISC Berhad (Malaysia), NYK (Japan) and OOCL (Hong Kong).
Mission Statement回目录
OOCL’s mission statement is to be the best and most innovative international container transport and logistics service provider; providing a Vital Link to world trade and creating value for customers, employees, shareholders and partners.
Liner Services回目录
OOCL offers around 78 weekly services around the world. Linking Asia, Europe, North America, the Mediterranean, the Indian sub-continent, the Middle East and Australia/New Zealand, the company offers transportation services to all major east/west trading economies of the world. OOCL is one of the leading international carriers serving China, providing a full range of logistics and transportation services throughout the country.
Container Terminals回目录
OOCL affiliated companies own or operate dedicated container terminals in North America and Asia, namely: Long Beach Container Terminal in California and KAOCT in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Information Technology回目录
Starting from 1993, after six years of research, the group succeeded in rolling out an IT system that was specially designed for the container shipping industry, Integrated Regional Information System (IRIS-2), in 1999. IRIS-2 integrates the business processes of all OOCL offices, customers' shipments and financial information into one system. OOCL was a finalist for the coveted Smithsonian Institution Award for Innovation in 1999 for the groundbreaking achievements with IRIS-2.
Environmental Care回目录
OOCL was the first container shipping line in the world to have achieved the Safety, Quality and Environmental (SQE) Management System certification (which consolidates the ISM-Code, ISO9001.2000 and ISO14001 requirements).
OOCL maintained a 100 percent compliance with the Port of Long Beach Green Flag program in 2006 and 2007. OOCL donated its rebates, totaling US$140,000, back to community projects and charities in Long Beach.
OOCL also complies with the Qualship 21 program, which identifies quality operation of non-US flagged vessels, and holds the most rigid safety and pollution-prevention standards in the world.
OOCL has a had a voluntary fuel saving program in place since 2001, which is the most effective way to cut down on greenhouse gases (especially CO2). Initiatives to minimize fuel consumption include:
• Weather-routing systems to provide shorter routes safely
• Optimum trim (balance of cargo) and minimum ballast water
• Fuel injections and exhaust valve timing control for better efficiency
• Shaft generator and exhaust gas economizer for generating electricity
• Regular maintenance to keep the ship clean and free of marine growths such as barnacles, algae and mollusks. This maintenance includes polishing the propeller and hull, and monitoring engine performance.
OOCL conducted a Shore Power Study (in 2003) and a Sea Water Scrubber Study (in 2005) in order to compile different ways to reduce emissions at both port and sea.
In 1992, five years in advance of the Montreal Protocol - an international treaty designed to protect the Earth's ozone layer - OOCL chose to change the design of its refrigerated container machinery in order to eliminate the production of CFCs (Chlorofluorocarbons). Today, OOCL only uses CFC-free refrigerants in all its reefer containers.
OOCL voluntarily complied eight months early with the Port of Long Beach “Clean Truck Program”. From 1 Jan 2008, OOCL stopped using pre-1989 trucks for all port moves between Southern Californian terminals and off-dock rail ramps, again helping to reduce emissions.
OOCL Logistics
OOCL Logistics Ltd. (OLL), the OOIL Group's international freight consolidation and logistics service unit, began in 1979. Services extend from basic freight consolidation services to the management and operation of more comprehensive programs involving multi-modal transportation, warehousing and distribution activities.
• The company emblem of the OOCL is a plum blossom, the national flower of the Republic of China.
• In the past, all important or large ships of the OOCL had names that began with the word "Seawise", which was a pun on C. Y. Tung's initials.
• Since 1989, cargo liners or containerships belonging to OOCL have all had "OOCL" attached at the beginning of their names.
• The OOCL Shenzhen (yard No. 1418) was the first in a fleet of twelve SX-class vessels to be built by Samsung Heavy Industries Co. Ltd. of South Korea for delivery to OOCL by the end of 2007. Other SX-class vessels in service include, OOCL Long Beach, OOCL Rotterdam, OOCL Hamburg, OOCL Qingdao, OOCL Ningbo, OOCL Atlanta, OOCL Tianjin, OOCL Europe, OOCL Tokyo and the OOCL Asia.
• The OOCL SX-class vessels were once recognised by the Guinness World Record as having the largest declared capacity in the world at 8,063 TEU, making it the largest containership in the world, with a service speed of 25 knots. This has now been surpassed by container ships such as the Emma Mærsk which was released on the 12th of August 2006 with a capacity of 11,000 TEU.
东方海外货柜航运公司(The Orient Overseas Container Line,简称OOCL)是香港联交所上市公司(0316)东方海外(国际)有限公司(Orient Overseas (International) Limited,OOIL)的全资附属公司,为世界具规模之综合国际货柜运输、物流及码头公司之一,亦为香港最为熟悉之环球商标之一,为客户提供全面的物流及运输服务,航线联系亚洲 、欧洲、北美、 地中海、 印度次大陆、中东及澳洲/纽西兰等地。