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最新历史版本 :Polska Grupa Energetyczna 返回词条

    波兰PGE公司(Polska Grupa Energetyczna;简称:PGE)波兰最大的能源公司,总部设在位于波兰罗兹省的中心镇比查度,在2014年《福布斯》全球企业2000强排行榜中排名第645位。

Polska Grupa Energetyczna (PGE SA or PGE Group, the name can be translated as Polish Energy Group) is a state-owned power company and the largest power producing company in Poland. PGE is listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the WIG30 index.



The PGE Group has its origin in the establishment of Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A. in 1990. In 2007 the Transmission System Operator PSE-Operator was separated from the PSE. On 9 May 2007 Polska Grupa Energetyczna was established by the merger of PSE, PGE Energia SA and BOT Górnictwo i Energetyka S.A. 6 November 2009 IPO in Warsaw Stock Exchange. 19 March 2010 included to WIG20.


The PGE Group operates two large lignite mines and more than 40 power stations, including the Bełchatów Power Station. Power stations are fueled mainly by hard coal and lignite. The company consists of eight distribution system operator companies, eight electricity retail sales companies, an electricity wholesale company and enterprises operating in other industries (including the telecommunications).

Nuclear energy回目录

ON 15 January 2009, the company announced a plan to build two nuclear power stations in Poland.[3][4] It also participates in the Visaginas Nuclear Power Plant project.


he company bought the naming rights for the PGE Arena Gdańsk, a football stadium in Gdańsk, Poland, for 35 million złoty (about 8.5 million euro) for a duration of five years. The 2010 Speedway World Cup is named according to PGE.

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标签: 波兰 能源
