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Xcoal Energy & Resources is a leading supplier of United States origin metallurgical coal to customers throughout the world. Its core business is marketing low, mid, and high volatile hard coking coals from Appalachian mining operations located in Pennsylvania and West Virginia.
Formed in November 2003 and privately held, Xcoal has experienced rapid/steady growth. It has consistently increased annual contract tonnage and are continuously expanding our customer base of world class integrated steel producers.

In 2010, Xcoal exports were approximately eleven (11) million tonnes. In fact, Xcoal was the largest coal exporter in the USA during 2010 and did so via ports in Baltimore, Maryland, USA and Hampton Roads, Virginia, USA.

Headquartered in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, USA, Xcoal also has US offices in: Baltimore, Maryland, Key Biscayne, Florida, and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

(图)Xcoal visited SteelHomeXcoal visited SteelHome
中国更是其一个重要的进口国。2012年3月15日,美国Xcoal公司的CEO Ernie L. Thrasher先生一行访问钢之家网站。钢之家网站总经理吴文章热情接待并与Ernie L. Thrasher先生就当前中国钢材产量、中国钢铁行业并构重组进展、国内原料产量和国际钢材市场情况做了深入交流。

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标签: Xcoal 国外企业
