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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
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最新历史版本 :Coking plant 返回词条

An own coke oven plant provides the necessary coke for pig iron production.

During a process lasting about 16 hours, the volatile components are withdrawn from the hard coal by indirect heating in the 108 coke ovens. The coke oven gas arising in this process is also used in the steel works.

(图)Coking plantCoking plant





 125.000 t/mo of dry coke
Coke oven chambers
 2 x 54
 16,4 x 6,2 x 0,475 m
Filling weight
 35,3 t
Coking period
 16,3 h
Operating temperature
 1.280 - 1.340 癈
Daily chamber fillings

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标签: 焦炭 设备 炼焦
