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U.S. Steel
The United States Steel Corporation (NYSE: X), more commonly known as U.S. Steel,

(图)U.S. SteelU.S. Steel

is an integrated steel producer with major production operations in the United States, Canada, and Central Europe. The company is the world's tenth largest steel producer ranked by sales (see list of steel producers). It was renamed USX Corporation in 1991 and back to United States Steel Corporation in 2001 when the shareholders of USX spun off its steel-making assets following the acquisition of Marathon Oil in 1982. It is still the largest domestically owned integrated steel producer in the United States, although it produces only slightly more steel than it did in 1902.
U. S. Steel is a former Dow Jones Industrial Average component, listed from April 1, 1901 to May 3, 1991. It was removed under its USX Corporation name with Navistar International and Primerica Corporation.

It is the present policy of the Board of Directors to consider the declaration of dividends four times each year, with checks for dividends declared on common stock mailed for receipt on the 10th of March, June, September and December. The current dividend as of 2008 is $0.30 per share. Dividends may be paid by, mailed check, direct electronic deposit into a bank account, or be reinvested in additional shares of U. S. Steel common stock.

美国钢铁公司(United States Steel Corporation)
  美国最大的钢铁垄断跨国公司。成立于1901年,由卡内基钢铁公司和联合钢铁公司等十几家企业合并而成。曾控制美国钢产量的65%。它先后吞并了50多家企业,依靠其雄厚的经济实力垄断了美国的钢铁市场和原料来源。总部设在匹兹堡。该公司在国内拥有数十家子公司,还拥有30多条散装货船负责运输。在国外的子公司和联营公司设在加拿大、英国、意大利、德国、西班牙、法国、日本、印度、尼日利亚、巴西等国。该公司生产的范围很广,包括铁矿砂、煤、白云石和其他有色金属的开采,各种钢管 、钢板 、钢轨的制造,化工产品,石油钻探和采油设备。在坦克车身、重炮等武器制造方面占有重要地位,还参与建筑、造船等业务。

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标签: U.S. Steel 美国钢铁公司 钢厂
