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最新历史版本 :Oliver Wyman 返回词条

Oliver Wyman is an international management consulting firm. It was created in

(图)Oliver WymanOliver Wyman

May 2007, when Mercer Oliver Wyman joined with Mercer Management Consulting and Mercer Delta to become one firm named Oliver Wyman. Oliver Wyman is headquartered in New York City with 40 offices in Americas, Europe and Asia Pacific and employs over 2,900 professionals. It is part of the Oliver Wyman Group, which is a business unit of Marsh & McLennan.
Oliver Wyman is an established leader in the Financial Services consulting industry and has also been described by The New York Times as "a leader in general business consulting". It is one of the business groups that provides Marsh & McLennan with an edge over other insurance brokers. Adrian Slywotzky, a prominent business consultant and author of several books, is a partner at Oliver Wyman.
Oliver Wyman Group
Oliver Wyman is part of Oliver Wyman Group which includes:
NERA Economic Consulting (microeconomic consulting)
Lippincott (brand, image and identity consulting)
Industries & Capabilities
1 Industries
Aviation, Aerospace & Defense
Communications, Media & Technology
Financial Services
Corporate & Institutional Banking
Retail & Business Banking
Wealth & Asset Management
Public Policy
Industrial Products & Services
Health & Life Sciences
Retail & Consumer Products
Surface Transportation
2 Capabilities
Business Transformation
Corporate Finance and Advisory
Oliver Wyman Delta

奥纬咨询公司(Mercer Oliver Wyman, MOW)

  Mercer Oliver Wyman是全球领先的专注金融行业策略和风险管理的著名咨询公司。公司成立于2003年4月,由Oliver, Wyman & Company(成立于1984年)和Mercer Inc.的金融服务战略与精算部门合并组成,现在是Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc.(MMC)旗下的一家公司。公司现有650名员工,分布于北美、欧洲和亚洲的12个国家的25个分支机构。凭借在金融行业积累的广博的专业知识帮助客户解决日益复杂的经营挑战。作为金融服务行业发展的重要参与者与观察者,奥纬的客户涵盖了全球100家最大金融机构的80%。
Mercer Oliver Wyman的咨询服务
  Mercer Oliver Wyman的咨询服务分六大领域。
  此外,Mercer Oliver Wyman为客户提供量身定制的有关公司战略、财务与风险管理和战略性的信息科技规划领域的分析、建议和可操作的解决方案,帮助客户解决与核心业务发展休戚相关的基本问题。
  Mercer Oliver Wyman 的咨询解决方案既有业务功能的涵盖广度、行业的垂直深度和宏观的战略高度,能全面有效地帮助客户解决业务中所遇到的问题。
  Mercer Oliver Wyman 致力于帮助全球金融行业时时迎接并超越挑战。我们和全球范围内的监管机构和思想精英们保持着最密切的联系。通过创办Mercer Oliver Wyman 研究机构等众多其他活动,推动学术界、监管机构和行业实践者之间的知识转移和互动。

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标签: Oliver Wyman 奥纬咨询公司 咨询公司
