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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
钢铁百科 - 钢之家

California Steel Industry发表评论(0)编辑词条

California Steel Industry is a very reputed steel producing company

(图)California Steel IndustryCalifornia Steel Industry

situated in the Western provinces of the United States Of America. The company is specialized in the production of Flat-Rolled Steel. California Steel Industry has the largest capacity of flat rolled steel production in the entire Western provinces of USA.
California Steel Industry is commonly known as California Steel Industries and its location is perfectly suitable in catering the market located in the Western parts of USA. The factory of the company is situated in the eastern direction of Los Angeles and is fifty miles away from the same. California Steel Industries was established during the 1940s. The total encompassed area on which this factory is situated amounts to four hundred and fifty acres and the perimeter of the factory lies on a space of one hundred and fifteen acres.
The first ever steel coils were produced in the year 1984. With every passing year the production level has frog leaped to astonishing heights and has trebled in just one and a half decade. It was recorded that in the financial year 1999, California Steel Industries has been able to export almost two million tonnes of finished products ranging from coils to pipes to sheets. The total sales figure associated with such high end steel export is near about seven hundred million US Dollars.

The address of California Steel Industry is :- 14000 San Bernardino Avenue,
P.O. Box. 5080
Fontana, California 92335-5259
Phone No. 909 350 6024
Fax No. 909 350 6223
Website: www.californiasteel.com


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