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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
钢铁百科 - 钢之家

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Noble Group
Noble Group Limited (SGX: NOBL) is a global supply chain of agricultural,
(图)Noble GroupNoble Group

industrial and energy products. They operate from over 100 offices in more than 40 countries, serving over 4000 customers. Noble manages a diversified portfolio of essential raw materials, integrating the sourcing, marketing, processing, financing and transportation.
With 2008 revenues exceeding US$36.1 billion, Noble continues its transition to owning and managing more strategic assets, sourcing from low cost producers such as Brazil, Australia and Indonesia and supplying to high growth demand markets including China, India and the Middle East. Today Noble owns coal and iron ore mines, grain crushing facilities, sugar and ethanol plants, vessels, ports and other infrastructure to ensure high quality products are delivered in the most efficient and timely manner.
In 2008, Noble debuted on the Fortune Global 500 (#349), was included in the new 30 security Straits Times Index, gained a top ten placing in the ACCA/CFO Asia "Regional Corporate Transparency Index (CTI)” and received a BBB- rating (investment grade) from Fitch. Noble was placed on the Forbes Global 2000 and Forbes Fab 50 while being included in the S&P Global Challengers and The Asset's Best 60 Corporate Governance Award. Noble also received the Corporate Governance Recognition Award: Classes Of 2006 - 2008 - by Corporate Governance Asia and was chosen as one of FinanceAsia's Best Companies. In 2005, Noble joined the MSCI Singapore Index. During this period, the Group was recognized as one of BusinessWeek's Stars of Asia and a Best Employer by Hewitt Associates.

来宝集团(Noble Group),也译为“诺布尔集团”
来宝集团(Noble Group)创立于1987年,以亚洲的钢铁贸易业起家,总部在香港,在新加坡证券交易所上市的企业集团(新加坡海峡股票交易所代码:NOxx),是农业、工业和能源等多个领域的全球供应链管理方面的市场领军者,业务涉及多种自然资源和原材料,如棉花、谷物、咖啡、煤炭、铁矿石、钢材、铝材以及清洁油品等。
2007年,来宝集团入选福布斯Forbes Global 2000、Forbes Fab-50、Asset’s Coveted Best 60 In Corporate Governance Award以及S&P Global Challengers。此外,在2006和2007年,来宝集团连续两年被《Corporate Governance Asia》杂志评为Corporate Governance Recognition Award,被亚洲金融杂志《Finance Asia》评为Finance Asia’s Best Company,同时被选为新加坡海峡时报指数(STI)、摩根士丹利资本国际新加坡指数(MSCI)和香港恒生指数成员。2005年,来宝集团《Business Week》杂志评为Business Week’s Stars of Asia、并被Hewitt Associates评为Best Employer。同时,来宝集团荣获福布斯Forbes Global 2000五年期(2001-2005年)总回报全球企业榜首。2008年,《财富》500强排名349位。

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