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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
钢铁百科 - 钢之家


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The Bulgarian Industrial Association – Union of the Bulgarian Business (BIA) (named Bulgarian Industrial Association till 2006) is a voluntary, non - governmental organization of the Bulgarian industry, established on 25 April 1980. It is the first non – governmental organization in the former socialist block. BIA is an umbrella organization with a matrix structure, vertically representing the branch (sector) oriented organization and horizontally the regional and municipal organizations.
BIA has played a crucial role in initiating and coordinating the foundation, consolidation and establishment of the branch (sector) and regional business organizations in Bulgaria.

As early as its foundation the Bulgarian Industrial Association directed its efforts to structure the business environment also on a regional principle. This way more than 133 regional associations and local bodies of the business have been set up, 26 of which have the status of regional industrial unions and associations. The process of their establishing as voluntary economic unions started in 1982.

At the beginning of the transition to market economy, during the 90-ties of the 20th Century, BIA encouraged and rendered methodological support to the processes for the setting up of the branch (sector) unions, chambers and associations, applying the experience of the advanced European states. At present BIA membership incorporates 102 branch organizations constituting a mirror-image of the modern Bulgarian economy. The branch infrastructure is a pre-condition for developing the

social dialogue on a branch level.
partnership with the European sector confederations.
The efforts made helped BIA to have today a well-developed matrix structure and unite on the one hand the branch organizations covering the whole spectrum of economy, and on the other hand the regional structures that correspond to the administrative division of the country.

The policy of BIA for the foundation of independent branch (sector) and regional business organizations, becoming its members on a voluntary principle, has contributed to the establishment of the modern European model of industrial relations. These structures have conduced to defining the dialogue of the government with the social economic partners – both on national and branch (sector) level and on local level.

BIA is the only national business organization in Bulgaria that has attracted large scientific organizations and universities as members, which is of particular importance for the processes of technological renovation and innovations, for establishing a more direct link between science and business. The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and universities are our undisputable partners.

The cooperative movement in Bulgaria, which has over a 100-year history, has been an active member of BIA since its foundation.

In compliance with the trends towards the enlargement of the business space in the country and looking for a single representation and voice of the Bulgarian business circles in the European Union, BIA has united its members with two other national business organizations – the Bulgarian Industrial Capital Association and the Confederation “Union of the Bulgarian Industry”.

During its quarter of a century’s existence BIA has proved to be the leading business organization in Bulgaria, recognized not only nationwide but also worldwide to be a reliable and trustworthy partner incorporating the efforts and visions of the entire Bulgarian business and scientific spectrum in the country for the development of a competitive economy.


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标签: BIA 保加利亚工业协会

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