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BIMCO is an independent international shipping association, with a membership composed of ship owners, managers, brokers, agents and many other stakeholders with vested interests in the shipping industry. 

The association acts on behalf of its global membership to promote higher standards and greater harmony in regulatory matters.

It is a catalyst for the development and promotion of fair and equitable international shipping policy.

BIMCO is accredited as a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), holds observer status with a number of United Nations organs and is in close dialogue with maritime administrations, regulatory institutions and other stakeholders within the EU, the USA and Asia. The association provides one of the most comprehensive sources of practical shipping information and a broad range of advisory and consulting services to its members.

波罗的海国际航运公会,英文全称为The Baltic and International Maritime Council, 简称 BIMCO,是一个具有100 多年历史且目前是世界上最大的、运营最多样化的国际航运组织。作为一个知名的航运非政府组织(NGO),BIMCO 与其他海运组织联系非常紧密,在诸多联合国机构中担任观察员,如国际海事组织(IMO)、联合国经济及社会理事会(ECOSOC)及国际商会(ICC)等。同时,BIMCO 与欧盟、美国及亚洲的海运管理者、政
目前,BIMCO 已有120 个成员国,2500 多个会员,其中955 个船东会员、1413 家船舶代理和经纪会员、46 家保险公司和保赔协会会员和94 家其他航运组织会员。值得一提的是,BIMCO 的船东会员共拥有1.4 万多艘船舶,5.25 亿载重吨的运力,约占世界海运业总运力的65%,在全球航运业中具有举足轻重的地位。

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