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San Juan Generating Station发表评论(0)编辑词条

San Juan Generating Station is a coal-fired power station owned and operated by Public Service Company of New Mexico (PNM Resources) near Waterflow, New Mexico.


Coal retirement编辑本段回目录

In 2013, Public Service Company of New Mexico filed for approval to decommission two of the San Juan Generating Station's coal-burning stacks by 2017 (units 2 and 3), and install nitrogen-oxide emission reducing technology on the remaining two by 2016 (units 1 and 4).

PNM plans to build a natural gas peaking station in San Juan County to generate 177 megawatts during high-demand periods, and a 40 MW solar generation station.

Plant Data编辑本段回目录

Owner: Public Service Company of New Mexico
Parent Company: PNM Resources
Capacity: 1,848 MW
Units and In-Service Dates: 369 MW (1973), 369 MW (1976), 555 MW (1979), 555 MW (1982)
Location: County Rd. 6800, Waterflow, NM 87421
GPS Coordinates: 36.801667, -108.438611 (exact)

Emissions Data编辑本段回目录

2006 CO2 Emissions: 13,054,091 tons
2006 SO2 Emissions: 14,980 tons
2006 SO2 Emissions per MWh:
2006 NOx Emissions: 27,503 tons
2005 Mercury Emissions: 683 lb.


The plant's operator in April 2011 stated that the plant had outperformed proposed federal limits on mercury emissions. The coal-fired power plant's mercury emissions dropped to 66 pounds in 2010, down from 496 pounds in 2006 after a scrubber was installed at the plant.


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