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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
钢铁百科 - 钢之家




    Aurizon is Australia’s largest rail freight operator with almost 150 years of experience. Each day the Company moves on average more than 700,000 tonnes of coal, iron ore and other minerals as well as agricultural and general freight across the nation.

    Aurizon operates a coal network made up of approximately 2,670 kilometres of heavy haul rail infrastructure in Central Queensland. The Company also ​​provides a range of specialist services in rail design, engineering, construction, management and maintenance, and offers large-scale supply chain solutions to a diverse range of customers Australia-wide.

    Aurizon has played a critical role in the economic development and growth of the minerals-rich state of Queensland, providing the transport backbone for one of the world’s largest coal supply chains. Over recent years Aurizon has extended its business focus beyond its Queensland heritage and applied its expertise and capabilities to coal and iron ore opportunities in New South Wales and Western Australia, as well as intermodal freight across the nation.


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标签: 货运 澳大利亚 煤炭 铁矿

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