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PT Adaro Energy发表评论(0)编辑词条

PT Adaro Energy is an Indonesian energy group that focuses on integrated coal mining through subsidiaries. Our principal location is at Tabalong district in South Kalimantan, where our subsidiary PT Adaro Indonesia operates the largest single-site coal mine in the southern hemisphere. We operate under a first-generation CCA (coal co-operation agreement) with the Indonesian Government valid until 2022.


Our Coal and Our Customers编辑本段回目录

From our South Kalimantan mine’s three pits we produce one of the world’s cleanest coals, trademarked Envirocoal. It is a sub-bituminous, moderate calorific value coal producing ultra-low sulphur, ash and NOx emissions.

We are proud of our record of continuous growth over the two decades that we have been mining in Kalimantan. In 2014 we delivered 56.2 million tonnes of coal, and in 2015 we plan to produce between 56 million and 58 million tonnes.

Our coal is primarily sold to power generation providers, and we sell an average of about 25% of our coal to customers domestically in Indonesia and 75% to overseas customers, predominantly in Asia.
Over the past five years we have acquired stakes in five more coal properties in Sumatra and Kalimantan that are currently under development for mining and will produce coal of similarly less-polluting quality as Envirocoal.

Adding these new concessions to our core mine at Tabalong, we, as a contractor to the Indonesian government, control or have options on 12.8 billion tonnes of thermal coal resources as measured by JORC-compliant studies. Of these resources, 1.1 billion tonnes of coal are JORC-compliant proven reserves.

Our Company Structure编辑本段回目录

Adaro Energy was established as limited liability company PT Padang Karunia in 2004. In April 2008 its name was changed to PT Adaro Energy Tbk in preparation for becoming a public company with a successful IPO in July that year.

We are a vertically integrated group; in addition to our core mining subsidiary PT Adaro Indonesia, we own subsidiaries along the length of our coal supply chain from pit to port to power, including in mining, barging, shiploading, dredging, port services, marketing and power generation.

Our subsidiaries combine with a range of contractors to produce and deliver our coal with industry-leading efficiency and low cost.

Our Strategy编辑本段回目录

One of our unique characteristics is we are not owned or controlled by a single family, but by a group of five well-respected Indonesian families — Edwin Soeryadjaya, Theodore Permadi Rachmat, Garibaldi Thohir, Ir. Subianto and Sandiaga S. Uno — who collectively own about 65% of our shares, with no one having outright control.

Given that each party operates individually, there is a natural system of checks and balances in place, ensuring decisions are made with great consideration for the best interests of Adaro Energy and long-term value creation.

Adaro Energy’s vision is to be the largest and most efficient integrated coal mining and energy company in South East Asia. Our strategy is to focus on organic growth of coal production, to improve efficiency and cost control and to develop and further integrate our power generation division.

This website aims to show you how and why Adaro is an exceptional company and an excellent prospect for investors.


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