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Quarter On Quarter发表评论(0)编辑词条

What Does Quarter On Quarter - QOQ Mean?
A measuring technique that calculates the change between one financial quarter and the previous financial quarter. This is similar to the year-over-year measure, which compares the quarter of one year (Q1 2005) to the same quarter of the previous year (Q1 2004). The measure gives investors and analysts an idea of how a company is growing over each quarter.

Investopedia explains Quarter On Quarter - QOQ
For example, the QOQ measure can be used to compare the earnings between quarters. Let's say that the ABC Company's first quarter earnings were $1.50 per share and its second quarter earnings were $1.75 per share. This means that the company has grown its earnings by 16.6% quarter-on-quarter ($1.75-$1.50/$1.50), which is a good sign for investors.


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