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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
钢铁百科 - 钢之家



  Duke Xian of Jin (? - The former 651), surnamed Ji, a perplexing changes all. Jin monarch of the Spring and Autumn Period.
  656 years ago, in the chaos of the Li Ji.
  655 years ago, the request by Jinxiangong to Yu Guo State Road onslaught. Qi Gong Yu doctor warned that must not allow Jinjun Yugong attack Guo State, as is the state of Guo Yu shield, the state of Guo perished, Yu followed certain death. Yu did not listen Quanlan, Qi Gong Yu left. The results, Yu Guo Jin perished two, and Yu Yu Gong captured Bolixi doctor. Jinxiangong bringing her daughter to Qinmugong Hupei, Bolixi as dowry to the servant to the state of Qin.
  652 years ago, at Kwai Venturi Jihuangong the grand UNITA, Jinxiangong seriously ill because of unmanageable, not to attend the meeting.
  651 years ago, presented the terminally ill, the doctor Gou income trust administration, auxiliary son Ji Xi Qi successor, offering the public after his death, civil strife Jin Ji Qi Xi was killed by Reeker.
  All were perplexing changes, Quwowugong son. Rongti leader captured by his father named after the clandestine all. E with disabilities ascended the throne after the plan Jinmiequwohuangong, Chuang Po-ho, descendants of the consolidation-jun. Zunyu pursue policies to enhance reputation. Gongmie Li-jung, Geng, Huo Wei, and other countries, beat Dirong, rehabilitation adopted Xunxi false passage Guo cutting plan, eliminating formidable danger, Guo,史称"and 17 countries, serving 38 countries" . Li Ji love in their twilight years, killing his son sheng, drive away Tonger, Yi Yu, Li Ji-Li Qi Xi as Prince Edward, dying instruction Xunxi accessory. Zhu son-death struggle, Jin chaotic.

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