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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
钢铁百科 - 钢之家

Petropavlovsk plc发表评论(0)编辑词条

Petropavlovsk plc (LSE: POG) (formerly Peter Hambro Mining plc) is
(图)Petropavlovsk plcPetropavlovsk plc
a London-based gold mining company with operations in Russia. Its shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange and are constituents of the FTSE 250 Index.
Market position
The Company has been one of the fastest growing gold producers, and is the third largest producer in Russia with assets spread throughout the far eastern provinces. It is the first Eastern Russian mining company to have a market capitalisation of over US$1 billion and employs over 1,600 people worldwide. The company's target is to produce 1 million troy ounces of gold per annum by 2009.
The company operates "open pit" mines which are essentially well planned craters dug into the ground. To excavate the ore, grids of holes are drilled into it and dynamite is then inserted into the holes. This process in known as "blasting" and the blasted ore is then removed from the pit in ore trucks which are capable of carrying 35 tonnes of ore.
To remove the gold from the ore Petropavlovsk uses two main processes: Heap Leaching and Milling.
Heap leaching
Heap leaching is a lengthy process. The ore is stacked on impervious clay/PVC leach pads. A cyanide solution is then sprinkled over the ore — the cyanide filters through the ore dissolving the gold and is collected through the drain at the base of the leach pad.
Milling is a much swifter process in which the ore is crushed in SAG (semi autogenous) and Ball Mills and then treated with a cyanide solution. The gold in the cyanide solution is collected on synthetic resin particles and put through a process called electrowinning which collects an impure (+/-80%) form of gold called Doré. The Doré is then sent to a smelting plant to be refined to .9990 fine gold bars.
Cyanide is used as it is the most effective way to remove metals from their ore — it is carefully isolated during the heap leach process and the solution used is so weak that it can be broken down by sun light. However, Petropavlovsk uses a cyanide destruction process before the tailings are discharged.
Petropavlovsk plc是伦敦上市的金矿公司,主要业务在俄罗斯。



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