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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
钢铁百科 - 钢之家


US Steel Canada (formerly Stelco) is a steel company based in Hamilton,


Ontario, Canada.

Several existing smaller steelworks combined and were incorporated as the Steel Company of Canada in 1910. Charles S. Wilcox was the first president of Iron and Steel Company of Canada, (later called simply Stelco), which was formed from five companies:

Canada Screw Company - 1864 Dundas, Ontario
Hamilton Steel and Iron Company - 1861 Hamilton, Ontario
Montreal Rolling Mills - 1790s Montreal, Quebec
Dominion Wire Manufacturing Company - Lachine, Quebec
Canada Bolt and Nut Company - Swansea, Ontario
Hamilton Steel and Iron Company and The Canada Screw Company were founded before 1867 and Montreal Rolling Mills predates to the 1790s by businessman John Bigelow.

Canada Screw Company was founded in 1864 in Dundas, Ontario by J. P. Billington and T. Forsyth and later moved to Hamilton.

On August 27th, 2007, US Steel purchased Stelco for $1.9 billion--$1.1 billion in cash, and assuming $800 million in debt. The deal closed effective October 31, 2007. The company was renamed U. S. Steel Canada Inc. and its shares were delisted from the Toronto Stock Exchange.

On March 3rd, 2009, US Steel announced that further consolidating was necessary to maximize efficiency while meeting customer demands. In this regard, they announced a "temporary idling" of the finishing and coking operations at Hamilton Works in Hamilton, Ontario, and the steelmaking and finishing operations at Lake Erie Works near Nanticoke, Ontario. Coking operations at Lake Erie Works will continue production. Approximately 1,500 employees will be affected.

Stelco Inc.是总部位於加拿大安大略省Hamilton的钢铁生产商。2007年被总部位於匹兹堡的美国钢铁公司(U.S. Steel Corp以每股38.50加元(约合36.56美元)、总计11亿加元的价格收购。

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