摘要: PI (PROFORMA INVOICE)形式发票,卖方凭此预先让对方知晓如果双方将来以某数量成交之后,卖方要开给买方的商业发票大致的形式及内容。是一种试算性质的货[阅读全文:]
摘要: PCB( Printed Circuit Board),中文名称为印制电路板,又称印刷线路板,是重要的电子部件,是电子元器件的支撑体,是电子元器件电气连接的载体。由[阅读全文:]
摘要:Tinning is the process of thinly coating sheets of wrought iron or steel with tin, and the resulting[阅读全文:]
摘要:In mining, stripping ratio or strip ratio refers to the ratio of the volume of overburden (or waste m[阅读全文:]
摘要:Vertical roller mill is a type of grinder used to grind materials into extremely fine powder for use[阅读全文:]
摘要: TMT is an acronym for the phrase ‘thermo-mechanical treatment’. The Bureau of Indi[阅读全文:]
摘要: 自由贸易协定(Free Trade Agreement)。是两国或多国间具有法律约束力的契约,目的在于促进经济一体化,其目标之一是消除贸易壁垒,允许产品与服务在国家[阅读全文:]
摘要: 东南亚国家联盟(Association of Southeast Asian Nations),简称东盟(ASEAN)。成员国有印度尼西亚、马来西亚、菲律宾、新加坡[阅读全文:]
摘要: CDQ即指干熄焦,是英文Coke Dry Quenching的简称。所谓干熄焦,是相对湿熄焦而言的,是指采用惰性气体将红焦降温冷却的一种熄焦方法。 &nb[阅读全文:]